速報APP / 商業 / CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Conn

CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Conn



檔案大小:5.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Connected(圖1)-速報App

Within car culture it’s easy to buy and sell killer builds. But, if you’re a hands on enthusiast, finding the product specs is easier said than done. How will you cut through the clutter to find the detailed parts and services you want? As a business, how will you get noticed by the right audiences and build brand recognition? CarBuff rids the industry of this ambiguity by connecting people with verified businesses. Good people… good brands… and outstanding builds.

CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Connected(圖2)-速報App

o Follow your favorite automotive brands and get the latest news on products, services and featured builds

CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Connected(圖3)-速報App

o Follow builds that you are interested in

CarBuff Network - Build… Share… Get Connected(圖4)-速報App

o Build and update your projects from your phone

支援平台:iPhone, iPad